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Photo: © 1995 Uwe Ommer
̶ Everything she did onstage—even the simplest gesture—she did with utter conviction.
So saying, I resume our conversation.
̶̶ Yes. Which is not to say there isn’t also calculation. You’re naked up there as a soloist. You’ve got to generate energy and make the audience work. Never give them exactly what they want. Otherwise, you’re just a whore.
I think of the man with the muted trumpet, I think of his style and grace.
̶̶ You remind me of Miles, Marietta. You’ve got the same defiant dignity onstage.
̶ You think so?
̶ It’s certain! Your refusal to be a whore makes you his soul sister.
̶ Brother Miles and Sister Marietta!
̶ Yeah!
Pulling you closer to me, I align my stride with your swagger.
Photo: Baron Wolman