Love in Fourteen Songs
You Never Knew Me (Magazine) | Get Gone (Fiona Apple)
We hate where we once loved; we can’t control the other’s desire.
Layla | Why Do You Love Me
Devouring passion, desperate desire | Identity equilibrium, disruptive love
Creep (Radiohead) | Milk (Garbage)
‘Creep’: Untouchable angel and incubus | ‘Milk’: Ravishment physical and metaphysical
Standing in the Doorway | Flaming September
Obsession, delusion, self-pity | Courage, responsibility, dignity
Love Will Tear Us Apart | Divorce Song
Love, dependence, friendship & sex; isolation & impasse, routine & resentment
Wild Horses | Pissing in a River
‘Wild Horses’: lyric poetry of courtly love. ‘Pissing in a River’: an elemental plea.